I don't always post my favorites from a session so the parents can be surprised when they get their final gallery of images. Here are a few of my favorites from a recent session.
Baseball was canceled tonight due to the rain so it has given me some time to work on editing a session that is a surprise for Father's Day. I could not resist posting this outtake! I hope it makes Mom smile too.
I have noticed this before but have never taken the time to go back and photograph it. After a rain this patch of lilies appear to have diamonds on their leaves. I found it fascinating but I am sure my neighbors thought I was odd! Plus a few more treasures from Spring.
We had rain and overcast for almost a week straight. Yesterday the sun broke through and I had fun with session with "L", "G" and "H". Just in time as it is a surprise for Dad for Father's Day.
I feel very honored to spend such a special day with a couple! The wedding party got ready in the part of the church that is normally the preschool. We asked "S" to write a message to his bride. It was so sweet!
I still call him "Bug" even though he will be sophomore in high school! He is the last 9th grade class to graduate from his middle school. Next year, he is off to a brand new high school. I am so very proud of you! Take advantage of every opportunity and experience. Love you!